• Call for the application of a standard contract to protect investors in the equipment rental sector



    In a public lecture was held yesterday at the East Chamber
    Call for the application of a standard contract to protect investors in the equipment rental sector
    Shipping: construction boom has created the need for rental .. and the lack of legal awareness threatens small investors

       The Legal Adviser Ibrahim Albahri called to the application of the standard contract for the rental of equipment because it is the most appropriate solutions to push the sector wheel, he holds many advantages that guarantee the rights of investors parties to the rental process, and that is reflected directly on the quality in the implementation of construction projects and infrastructure projects,
    This came at a public lecture organized by the East Chamber, which oversees a number of committees, including the Committee on equipment leasing, held on Thursday (5 / March / 2015) in the presence of Chairman of the Committee, Fayez al-Youssef, where he said that the activity equipment rental attracted a lot of investors, because of the high level of demandThus, as a natural result of the significant increase in the number of construction projects, infrastructure projects and construction, and the need for companies of all necessary for the implementation of these projects required speed and quality of the owners of equipment .. and appeared Consequently a number of problems between the two parties leasing process which requires the existence of a legal procedure regulates theseprocess.
    He said that the most important concern of the investor market equipment leasing is the relationship between him and the tenant, where looking for the necessary guarantees to fulfill the rights he wants certain guarantees maintain its equipment, letting subcontractors, and delivered to the maintenance and replayed the end of the contractual relationship, as well as the receipt of dues for the periodrent and the period of delay in delivery after the expiration of the period, and is looking forward to ensure entitlement to appropriate compensation for any damage to their gear if it is due to the tenant, thus reducing the risk of investment in this area .. and here comes the role of unified contract that provides greater safeguards necessary, by virtue of thatputs phrased legal cadres of scientific equipment leasing activity related to, and aware of all the obstacles faced by the investor in this activity, then the marriage is meant to create a balanced contractual relationship between the parties serve their purpose,
    He confirmed that some of the investors in the equipment rental industry, threatened to get out of the market, especially the little ones, and who rely on intermittent remote works on commercial contracts with large companies, which leads to hold them burdens may sometimes up to the value of the full contract, because awarenessSome landlords are not sufficient to enable him to edit the entire Chiefs contract and legal safeguards are necessary, which confirms the need for a standardized contract adhered to by all investors sector to avoid the exploitation of some companies to investors, as well as the clarity of Streptococcus relationship from start earning parties both the confidence of the other, which increases the possibility ofDealing and frequency as well as the complex open areas between the two sides .. The contract puts the common solution to the problem is weighted relationship between the lessor and the lessee,
    From here, one can say that the unified contract and speak to the legal adviser sea of ​​the most successful and proper steps to promote the sector, equipment leasing, being mean to the interests of investors and their rights, and make sure these important with the increasing number of claims cases the value of rental equipment, which has become not uncommon in court hearings.. Therefore we call with confidence to apply the standard contract for the rental of equipment because it is the most appropriate solutions to push the wheel sector, and for the protection of the rights of investors
    Albahri Adviser Turning to some of the procedural aspects of the unified contract (such as the pillars of the contract), which include contractors and two (lessor and lessee), and (the contract) formula, and (subject of the contract), narrated Terms contractors, identified in (plurality, and compromise, andOk self-acceptance), either the contract formula opines that will be available in terms of (hearing or science by any means, and agree offer and acceptance, and not to comment on the condition) .. The conditions held it represented in (that is the subject of benefit from it religiously decade, ownedand information, and is present or manageable to hand him over, that is lawful and good, and free of mortgages).

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